When you listen to life, life will listen to you.
In my previous blog, “Relationships are mirrors” I explained about how life will teach you certain lessons, based around relationships, and how they will keep repeating till you learn them, life will also teach you in other ways,
I have a belief that when we are born, everything is already written, whatever you’re meant to do or achieve in this life was written even before you were born, I also believe you can shape this depending on what you choose in this life, you can choose to learn the lessons life is handing too you or you can choose to ignore them, of course everyone’s life will be different, in this life your lesson could be to be dependent on yourself and to stand up for yourself, whilst others could be how to not be so codependent on others in their personal relationships, or not be so dependent on money and have a scarcity mentality around it, there’s a lot to learn, but you are born to learn the lessons here on earth to become the best and most authentic version of yourself.
Everyone’s beliefs in life are different, that’s why I feel it’s important to at least have an open mind to different opinions on life, I truly believe this is the reason for us all, to learn our own karmic lessons in this life, you were chosen to be brought into this world for a special purpose, you chose your family before you were even born, and each family member is here to teach you something about yourself, even your friends and romantic relationships they are a huge guide as to what you need to work on within yourself, to understand and realize what you were brought here to do in this life.
I think some people feel as if “I guess I was just born because my parents wanted children and now I’m just trying to figure out what to do with myself while I’m here”, but their life usually goes, birth, float around lost, get a few jobs, makes some friends, then you die. There’s more to life than just getting by and you having all these wishes and dreams but it never happens for you, so you build an okay life for yourself then you just pass away, you deserve much more than that, but it requires you to look within yourself, I believe self-development is the answer to figuring out why you’re meant to be here and what you’re meant to do in this world, I believe we are here to help each other, but we tend to take things personal, if you’ve had a previous relationship or friendship and it didn’t work out, you would take it personal and probably hold a grudge, but It’s not the case, the relationships was there to teach you a lesson, what did you learn? Did you learn you needed to set more boundaries for yourself? Did you learn you needed more authentic friendships? Did you learn you could possibly be codependent?, all these things are okay, you don’t have to feel ashamed, but you have to forgive yourself so you can learn from it and release it, because that’s when the good things in life start to come in.
I see this quite often In people, I observe from the outside and see someone having the same lesson back to back, but because they don’t realize it’s a lesson, and just think coincidently they keep meeting the same people, the internal issue doesn’t get dealt with and the lesson just continues, you can save yourself more grief and hurt if you have the open mind to maybe at least think, “I can give this a try, maybe this is trying to teach me something”, you also have to be honest with yourself, you will never learn and move forward in life if the blame is always put on the other person, the other person was only put into your life to teach you something about yourself, it always comes back to you, that’s why I also think it’s important not to put too much focus on what others are doing, everyone’s life is different It’s not supposed to look the same, or achieve things at the same time as others, example, be married by a certain age, no one knows when and what time it’s written that someone else is meant to be getting married or buy a house, whatever it is, so even if you’re feeling pressure from friends and family, no one truly knows but you, that answer comes from being true to yourself and listening to yourself, if you really feel you’ll buy a house around 30, but everyone is buying one now, don’t feel pressure about it, if It’s meant for you it will always come to you, and it’ll be exactly what you want and needed because you always stayed true to yourself.
When you listen to life, life will listen to you.